Contact Us

Please contact us if you would like to request more information regarding our services, require a project cost estimate; or you have any other sales or general information requests or comments. Our Alberta projects are managed out of our Chilliwack office. We look forward to hearing from you!

General Inquiries

Small Business Bookkeeping Inquiries

Chilliwack, British Columbia Office

  • Telephone: (604) 858-6304
  • Facsimile: (604) 858-6340
  • Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM Pacific Time
  • Mailing Address:
  • East-West Environmental Services Inc.
    Post Office Box 2232, Station Sardis Main, Chilliwack, British Columbia CANADA V2R 1A6

Technical Inquiries

Our Core Business

Our roots are in forest resources management, and managing forests and woodlands successfully is our core business.

"Natural resources management is the practice of land stewardship of both public and private primarily forested lands for the outcome of reaching a balance of ecological sustainability, economic viability and societal acceptance. It is a science-based approach with a foundation in ecological health, best business practices, professional ethics, traditional values, transparency and multi-stakeholder participation."[1]